Going ga-ga over Cobie amidst TS-1 left no stones unturned in leading my way through an average kind of performance with ballsing up most of the courses. Now with Season 1 completed and half way through Season 2 of How I Met Your Mother, i feel it a perfect time to wake up my blogging spree. Curse TS-2 and few allegiances which hindered me from doing this for the past one month or so. Moreover I expect the same in the ensuing one month. Curse another End Term Examination for this. Anyways enough of what i always hate doing, i.e. writing such stuff! There’s much more which i am willing to pen down.\
The aftermaths of TS-2 were contrary to those of TS-1. Both terribly different from each other. The former always keeps on taunting me, while the latter does gratifies me somehow. Mechanical Drawing yet remained a big conundrum to me. So was Thermo-D! Anyways talking about all this is like discussing Chelsea’s win over the minions Blackburn Rovers. Both of which I despise like anything. Moreover I just wrote another Conversation With God for the upcoming Youthzilla Issue, and writing this one was in itself a big experience. I might even get balls for being so rude to the Almighty. Perhaps God might even do this honor.
Anyways, they say that Crushes are short lived. Mine case seems to be pretty different. It is still doing good, i suppose. With an year about to end, the graph was supposed to decline exponentially, but for me it seems to be constant with time. The cheekiest thing which often fascinates me is the fact that all the Metallurgical Engineering students will soon be repositioned to a new Hostel (luckily adjacent to the Girls Hostel),which further signifies that the probability of glinting over the fille whom yours truly adore would rapidly enhance (And this matter is indeed devoid of any sort of pervertism which perverts should make it clear!).
I never got attracted to any sort of Chemistry – be it Physical, Inorganic or Organic. I detest studying any one of this in any of its form albeit the fact that I am yet stuck in a branch that demands nonetheless the broaden prospective of each of these. However of late certain circumstances did lead me more into this CHEMICAL thing. The reference in the last paragraph might account for its credibility to a much broader extent. Chemical is supposed to be the coolest branch in the R-Land (reasons to me are yet unknown). Though I feel the old adage prodigy “Meta Rocks” somehow dilute the Cool-Chemical Combo to some level. Inspite of all this freaking gimcrack, i wish I was in Chemical. Sounds flimsy, but yes circumstances have lead my way far away from all the mundane affairs. I love Chemical and My Chemical Romance (Pun intended intentionally). Branch Change was never my cup of tea nor would it be. By the way who the hell tried for it? Big Nerds sitting with their arse flashing would indeed never have let me even try to think about it. I appreciate this effort of theirs (My reference is to the flashing thing).
Then you realize that no Meta in itself is an awesome group-cum-branch. Many a things however often narks
me. Certain inhibitions within many of them does chafe me. Its almost the end of an year now, and people still think once before saying ‘Hi’. Ultimately most of them end up saying nothing or showing off their dummy faces. School days were the days which were completely diametric to all this poop. Awesome group we had and amazing days were they. Nostalgia often come to its peak value when those days are remembered. Anyways talkin about all this diddly is of utter waste of time when you have End Terms knocking at your door. Though Chemical Romance isn’t!
So Meta it is as of now with registration already done for the next semester. 20 odd days to go and there yours truly enters into an all new brand world with loads of tasks to complete, which are of trifle importance as of now. I perhaps do remember my last visit to the Civil Lines, when I saw the girl in green (or was she wearing black?). Reason for the existence of this silly doubt is due to the fact that i would have looked an idiot amidst such a huge crowd staring at a girl. So i avoided doing that and that did lead me into a big confusion of the color she was wearing. Indeed i love both colors. Issue would be soon enlightened in the next post, hopefully!
P.S: For Your Information, I just got my Thermo-D marks and as expected I did get what I deserve. Marks cant be revealed as of now. Though even the nice swots didn’t get as expected of them. As far as rest are concerned, Mechanical Drawing would get a similar treatment. Rest i assure wouldn’t be that bad. Hoping decent ones in the rest, and yes it started off with Engineering Drawing.
P.P.S: 'Chemical Romance + My Chemical Romance' sounds so fantabulous when pondered over simultaneously. 'Green/Black + Red' is another duad that would seem to be lovely (hopefully)! Moreover 'End Terms + CGPA' is yet another issue to be worked upon.
P.P.P.S: Reds fought valiantly against the Blooming-Blues, though as usual 'Nice Guys Finished Last'!
Wish me luck !
Cheers! Chao. . .