Sunday, July 27, 2008

Led Zepellin singing, it's raining too! and i am here with another post..

It is raining cats and dogs. The Monsoon seems to have no end yet! With Led Zepellin singing "Stairway to Heaven" in my background (All Hail Led Zepellin for such an awesome number!) and MS WORD new version just installed in my PC, i find it a perfect time to blabber something. So here goes a piece dedicated to Led Zepellin and Bill Gates (for producing such a nice software without which everything seems to be impossible in today's world, as Chetan Bhagat said…you were true sir!). Ah! Wait but here’s a post concerning me only, not them! Now you’ll notice a huge transition. Here I go…

Unexpected Rains, Shaky Politics and Scary Dreams is what surrounds me these days. (ya! I know its harmful for me because my college is about to start within a week...and such things are pretty dangerous before the Session.) But nothing can be done, can it be? The first of these three counterparts of mine is something I don’t have control over. God only knows the reason for this! Yet some Astrologers and Meteorologists could also be consulted for the same, but it won’t give you 100% surity. The Monsoons this year have made a mockery of the predictions given by the Meteorology Department. I really express my sympathy for them! This moreover has demonstrated that it will take much time for them to predict Tsunamis and Cyclones beforehand. There’s still a long way to go. Keep trying friends! Someday, somehow you will definitely succeed.

Similarly there’s no happy going for the UPA Government also. The “Nuclear Deal” signed by PM Manmohan Singh proved to be a “No Clear Deal” (as my friend says it to be). No doubt in that! Many political parties and people have been criticizing it and many in favour of it. Both groups giving solid reasons both way! ‘Left’ left UPA (sounds cool!), UPA came in minority and it was time for the Mid-Term Elections. UPA needed to prove its Majority, and somehow it succeeded (that’s also a big secret! How?).These ups and downs in Politics will never have an end. And this is what Indian Politics is all about! No one can stabilize it. Can anyone?

If you combine the above two fellowmen of mine, you can’t get the third anyhow. “Scary Dreams” is what it all says. It does not have any connection with the so called “Scary Movies”. The reason being I am not someone you’ll find impatient to watch any newly released flick like an insane. I am always calm and patient in such cases. Few of my friends should learn this thing from me at least. I can’t tolerate three hours sitting, and then at last you conclude that the movie was yet another idiotic drama. People who bear such dramas are the real fighters for me! Ya! I’ve heard of many good flicks, but through reviews and my friends. But all this is a not a matter of concern for me. My scary dreams have been scaring me of late. All night long I get scared by them. Ghosts, Witches, Ghouls, Gibbons, One-eyed dogs…and many more fearful creatures are what my dreams are full of ! I agree that I was a voracious reader of “Goosebumps” in my School Days, but that’s all history and I could hardly remember any story or even any incident of it! The worse is that I always hesitate in talking about haunted places and horrified stories. Actually I fear them! Then also fear is after me. Why? But ah! I am facing it boldly. Hey wait! What was this noise for? Oh! It was the clock striking three. Huh! Relief for me! No, I was not scared.

Perhaps now the scenario is that Led Zepellin has stopped singing. So is the rain outside. Who am I then to continue blabbering and typing? It’s time to save this post and shut down the system.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

My new love.........

Have you ever been smitten by a love bug?? Many of you must be, but who hasn’t been must find it a little difficult to comprehend the obviousness. It is something that makes your heart beat faster and steals your sleep and peace. The dent it leaves in your heart is a big one. You are completely lost, enraptured, mesmerized….so is with me these days!

I am not on this Earth, I am on cloud nine. Always having a goofy grin on my blushing face and always lost in “its” beauty. Hey wait did I use the word ‘its’…shouldn’t it have been ‘her’ or ‘him’ (had i been a gay…well this possibility is rare, though), but ‘it’ means a non-living thing….now never heard of this?? A boy in love with a ‘table’ or a ‘chair’ or a ‘box’…so ridiculous!!

This might be silly but ya I am in love these days with my “Guitar” (r u serious Abhi!)......i know you'll take it as a joke!

Love is always painful in the beginning (hurting my fingers many times). Many a times you fear that will your union be possible, but if you pass through this initial phase of your life enduring all adversities, you’ll be a winner in the end. Same happened with me too.

Well I am not a novice at playing guitar. I bought it last year and hired a mentor, but could only learn the “basics” and few “chords”. The reason being exams, had to engage myself with books. Now after an year I was back to this “sweet love” of mine. Again started going to my mentor with my love hanging on my back (its so romantic!). I started from where I left and now have learnt a lot. These days I am so much engrossed in its “hollow body”, “delicate strings” and “lovely neck” that I cannot resist playing it ( don't take it From morning till evening, I am always busy with my love. There’s no one interfering in our love affair, we enjoy to the fullest. I “sing”, it “vibrates”….i “play the rhythm” and it produces “sound”….every time spent with it is really unforgettable. I always keep it in utmost care so that no one can hamper its beauty. I am really lost in its soul (soul???.....does it have a soul too :D....quite strange).

Such is the concept of “love”. You don’t know what it has in stored for you. Love can make you insane and sometimes crazy. I always want to be with it and..... I know it always wants to be with me. *( r u sure Abhi! all the time with the guitar….really you are lost man!). Certainly friends! Love is so sweet and silly!......isn’t it??

My beginning........

Its been a month or so since I have posted anything on my blog. The reasons are many, infact they are countless ( well! the first being the farewell of my idol Bill Gates from Microsoft....that was really a shocking news for me at least......Microsoft without Bill Gates will surely look horrendous, as far as i am concerned). Anyways leave these reasons. Today let me tell you the reason why I jumped into the world of blogging (thought this should have been my first article, but I am a real dumbo naa). Ha! certainly not to earn money through Adsense or do my publicity or just because many people write….there’s no such blind reason. Well it was because I was always interested in writing something serious (and serious articles are rarely given seriousness by the readers). I don’t know why? But I had always wished to pen down something on the current issues mainly India , Indian politics, other critical issues concerning us like pollution, population, global warming, etc. So thought it is scarcely better than a crow’s serenade to start blogging, a piece of which you all reading or must have curiously opened for reading….but many of you looking at the title of the articles would feel reticent enough in doing so….and consequently in a matter of seconds close it….isn’t it? But I guess if some of you ponder over these issues, you’ll get an idea that all these are worth knowing!!

Worth knowing?? Bah! Who doesn’t know all this?..Population explosion, human rights , blah blah….everyone knows about all these and must have read about them many a times in books, newspapers, net….my blog will also be dealing with the same. Have i written something extra or special here?

Well! might be not, but I wrote something because I always dream of India to be on the top (not repeating the lines of any politician, though!). And for this a hell lot of things are to be done, not by me alone or my silly blog, but by all of us. Helpless I was so thought “a pen is mightier than a sword ”, so started writing such articles. Many of my friends also showed some interest in such issues, and they have been doing the same….and who knows! might be this writing works and make people aware of certain facts and issues which we are unaware of.

However many a times I have been told by my close friends (my sis being one of them)-“Don’t write such things, quite few people read them. You should simultaneously write something entertaining which could attract reader’s attention too.Your school days, college life, few humorous incidents, any such things should also be written.” And God save a brother when his sister has drawn the sword. So included few poems, off the beat articles and many more would be coming in the days to come (possibly yes!). So please cope up with my harsh writing and poor English, because I am just a newbee in this field.