Saturday, March 7, 2009

'G' GrOOves!. .fait ainsi. .Groupe de G ?

First things first! Friends, you don’t have an idea of the custard which I just had a taste of. It was unutterably the best. (Courtesy my Mom!). How can someone prepare such delicious food everytime I ask her for? Sheer magic! Hats Off! Thats why I was dying to reach my Home, rather “Home Sweet Home”. Indeed finally after two long months spent in the R-Land, I am back to my Home  and no doubt I am loving this all. By “all” I do mean “everything”. By the way who wants to miss “such delicious food”, “such delicious food” and yes “such delicious food”?  Though I am missing my lil sista’s late night gibbers. Credit goes to the Council of Indian School Certificate Examination (ICSE Board Exams). 

Talking of the bygone two Months, I tell you they were simply the worst days for quite a few reasons and simply the best days for the left-out few reasons. However the latter ones overruled the former ones, and in the nutshell the time spent was just OK (these two little words sometimes say it all). I had a hell lot of night-outs (don’t know why? Probably because I was busy doing stuff which i have always loved to do. This included some Programming fundas which none of you would give a brown krill about! ). Then i had another hell lot of bakars with my friends on so many many issues of this earth – “Why did Liverpool play without Gerrard?”,  “Why don’t we have a subject like Body Language in our courses?”, “Why was that not-so-hot chick pretending to be hot?”, “Who was not sleeping in the Electronics lecture today?”, “Should Slumdog Millionaire have got an Oscar?”, ”What  new article did you write for the Youthzilla Mag?”, “Did you see that awesome girl again?”, “Is she your crush?”, “ Why was she staring at you?” and blah blah. All this pretty non-sense illogical talk can sometimes go so long that sometimes when you by chance happen to look at your watch amidst it, you will find it is 4 in the morning. So involved you get into all this!

Anyways few days back an online friend of mine asked me- “Dude! How are your Batchmates? You don’t write about them in your blog articles!” Hmm! Umm! Ohh! Eh! Uh! Duh! Ah! Umm! Yes! Point to be noted. Did I ever write about them? Well being a blogger is it necessary? Or if it is so, then who am I to write about them?  Though being a proud member of BATCH G I should actually write. Aint it?

So folks here it is! A strength of 61 people make a "Batch G 2008 @ IITR". Thats how our community looks like on Orkut. In these 61, you’ll get a mix of everything. We have people from all parts of India. Each one of them a geek of its own kind. Few blab a lot, few rarely speak, many never speak, few always want others to initiate, and many have well-defined regions (i.e.groups) of their own beyond which they don’t dare to speak (Thats not within their range). This number if broken gives you 55 gu(a?)ys  (I doubt one!) and 6 gals. Check out this emphatic difference and the strange sex ratio. Perhaps six isn’t that bad a number when it comes to IITs.  If I tell you about the last Meta batch they only had one fem-sex , and she also got a branch change!  Now hows that for a nail in the coffin? By the way two of the six we have are also on the tragic path of making a branch change (their sky high CGs demonstrate this fact), but still we’ll be left out with four. Not bad! Eh? Lots to write about all of them, but better wait for some time. Let go this year!

P.S : All natives of R-Land. Do check out my two articles on the upcoming YOuthzilla issue. Comments would be awaited!

P.P.S : Mr. Vegeta! Muster your opinions for the upcoming match against ManU! LiverpOOl is surely gonna rock this time.

P.P.P.S : Six isnt that bad for a number. Even four is fine considering the IIT factor!

P.P.P.P.S : Batch G, no doubt is the best! Meta Meta ; Always! Keep Groovin!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thnks a ton for actually describing about all your counterparts!
And hey u seem not to be happy about the fem-sex leaving ur Branch :P
Is it?