Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thinking ? ... is just a waste of time!

Recently I got hold of an isolated-lying newspaper  amid the wee hours of a lecture class. While glancing over the pages, an article suddenly caught my attention.  On further reading this wonderful piece of writing I almost got  transmogrified. The manner in which I interpreted that article could be completely diametric to what the author wanted to convey  as the reasoning involved in drawing a conclusion or making a logical judgement solely depends on circumstantial evidence and prior conclusion rather than on the basis of direct observation.
My way of thinking, imagining, opining, reckoning and believing   has been continuously undergoing a change owing to some outstanding theories, work and philosophies of Taleb,  Carnegie, Dawkins and Darwin.  Fusing  my illation of the above-mentioned article and some little random philosophies I know, I put forth the following viewpoint.
Each day zillion of thoughts strike our neural cells hoping to grow bigger and turgid. This eventually blocks the space which the brain could have used for some other real time practical purposes. Each of these tiny thoughts has the potential and capability to develop into a massive bubble, whose size is directly dependent on our attachment with that particular thought process. More the attachment, more gets the thought-size, more striver we become by following, arguing, rationalizing, imploring, hoping, wishing, suggesting and agonizing on everything our mind tells us. Every single of these umpteen thoughts can fill the brain with such huge amount of junk that it would become impossible to cleanse it later when one senesce. On the contrary, if lesser heed is paid to these enormous thought bubbles, they conk out in their generative stage sparing  tremendous  amount of time and space to concentrate on our environs and ourselves. Self-discovery is what we usually work out  this way.
Thinking takes our mind into the past or future where life seems full of commotions, emotions, drama, happenings but with no reality at all. For reality, one needs  to be in the present, think of present, and that is only possible if one gives no way to thought-processes which chokes the mind’s capacity to focus on present. Hence,
                              “Stop Thinking! Know thyself! Live the Present!”

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