Friday, December 10, 2010

Culmination of 3-1

The semester kicked off on a high note with loads of vows, pledges and resolutions, but on the contrary ended on a low with loads of prayers, expectations, grades, marks, but all in complete vain. As they put it, as you sow so shall you reap!

In an IIT, after getting decent marks in TS-1 and screwing badly TS-2, your arse is all set on fire for the end terms. Do it now, do it straight off, else the insti has no regrets in giving you panji's (5 on a scale of 10). So was this arse of mine. Eventually, the gaps in between the exams proved to be crucial and everything went alright.

The subjects I didn’t get a feel and flavor of resulted in very dismal performances, though.  Grade B or may be even lower is already expected in one of ChemD’s core subject, CH-305: Reaction Engineering. Moreover, my face has a smug gleam of felicitation after acing the subjects I loved the most. IHS03: Group Dynamics was one of them.

However, well, there’s no time and scope for the feel thing when you are in an IIT. Do whatever the system demands, else the system comes back at you and leave you in shatters. So, it is better if you go along with the flow without giving a thought about what-you-like and what-you-don’t-like. Perhaps, the only way to be a successful fucked-up Engineer. Trust me!

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