Monday, May 19, 2008

Can we deny Human rights to women??

Right from the womb to the tomb, she has been carrying on both her mind and body the tell-tale marks of violence and discrimination caused by man, the Society, the outdated laws, the media, the politicians, the Government and the political parties, as well. There has always been a talk about human rights to refugees, the labour class, but have we ever paid heed to the basic human rights of which women are deprived of??

The discrimination and violence she is inflicted upon may vary from one nation to another, but the crux of the matter is that she is still Second Class Citizen all over the world, be it Afghanistan or USA. Perhaps, no Society and no Nation can claim that women enjoy the same rights as men do.

See how we deny the right to born to the female species! Female foeticide is becoming the best scientific method to easily get rid of the girl child even before she is born (thanks to the scientific advancements , though!). In collusion with doctors and clinics operating in big cities, they try to pre-determine the sex of the child to be born and let the guillotine fall if the sex of the foetus is female.

Even when she takes birth, she is not spared. In several poor families, the fear of the prospect of dowry resort to Female infanticide. So we deny the girl child even the basic human right to life!

Many girls are not sent to school because their parents are of the opinion, "there is no need of wasting money and time by sending their girl child to school, when they already know that she has to go into another family." This explains why female illiteracy is rising exponentially. On one hand, Universal Declaration of Human Rights and our Constitution provide for the Right to education. But how many of our girls enjoy this right?

Yet another social practice that comes in the way of girls enjoying the rights to education and health is the evil of Child Marriage. Child Marriage is still very popular in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Bihar and UP. Child Marriage deprives young girls of their right to education and prepares them for motherhood, before they are mentally and physically prepared for it.

None knows the real number of women and minor girls who become victims of rape year after year in our country. Official figures don't indicate the exact number because many victims don't come out in the open fearing social stigma. The victim is not supported anywhere and has to go through one trauma after another at police stations, courtrooms and the rest of her life. Thus she is deprived of the right to honour! Even in regard to inheritance rights, the women don't enjoy the same rights as men do.

The belief that men and women are equal in Society is more a myth than a reality. Government is not seeking suitable measures to rectify all this. The Supreme Court of India need to implement strict laws in this regard, so that plight of women don't become dilapidated. Women should enjoy all the rights as men enjoy, so that the World moves to a brighter future ahead!

---------------Abhishek Bangrania

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