Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Missing School Days

Bring those golden days back to me,
which I miss to an utmost degree;

Retard this time's pace so that I could see,
those wondrous moments of my life's tree;

Oh! those never ending gossips with friends,
and illogical discussions about the latest fashion trends;

On the bench we used to stand,
when tried to spoil the school's brand;

Keen we were to know the examination papers,
so tried to flatter the school teachers;

Loitering in the School campus was a common thing,
the only way to bunk classes and enjoy the School's surroundings :D;

Yet it is something I miss a lot,
those teachers who endowed me up with supernatural thoughts;

Now life has become hectic and increased its pace,
we have to struggle to win life's race;

Still I wish that glorious past to come back again,
impossible it is bacause life has moved to a different lane.

------Abhishek Bangrania

Well! this poem is all about my School days, which i miss a i hv written dis poem feeling nostalgic about my School.....check out the first word of alternative lines, nd u'll get the name of my school......B R O O K L Y N School......rockssss :)

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