Monday, June 16, 2008

"India in 2020 : My Vision"

There’s always been a question on how fast India is developing? After more than five decades of independence, the question that comes to one’s mind is regarding the progress we had thought of making and the progress which we have actually made. Though India has carved out a place on the globe but when we visualize as to what our present status is and how is it gong to be in the ensuing 2020, we are often left perplexed?

I am not a great person who will affect you all by his literary skills, and write something very classic out here. My main objective is to point out certain flaws and praise various aspects in which India is floating in the global sea.

Alright so lets talk about the scenario distinctly and vividly :

* We always boast of India being the emerging leader in many fields, like Science and Technology, Information Technology, Satellite Transmissions, Geophysical Explorations, etc.. But will these be useful if we don’t have an effective control over our rising population? How will India provide food, clothing, housing, clean drinking water, health if the population clock remains unchecked by 2020? This will certainly have a ripple effect on India’s infrastructure. Perhaps, it cannot be denied that due to rapid developments in technological sector, more people than ever before will enjoy a better quality of life, but equally more people than ever before will face the worst situation.
* In the days to come, IT sector is going to further accelerate. With the increase in the number of technical institutes and rapid progress in Science, India will be gaining momentum in the technological era and will be a prominent part of the global technology by 2020. It will unveil many hidden facts and explore the unexplored . Science will certainly be at its peak, and people inclined towards this subject will become a trademark in the whole world. We can even hope for Nano Technology to grow rapidly, and the 2020 will find a revolution in this sector.
* On the economic front, it is likely that the growth of economy will accelerate further. The rising income and new conducive policy environments will further attract more and more investments in our country.
* The mad rate race among nations for industrialization has jeopardized the health of man himself. The criteria of progress for any developing country has brought about a ruthless destruction of our natural resources in its wake. India has also undergone through this industrial revolution and in the years to come, more industries will be set up. The outcome of all this is pollution, whose levels are expected to rise in future if the laws enacted are not reinforced strictly.
* Regarding status of women, yes it can be said that it is surely going to be much better in the days to come, with more entrenchment and women taking crucial family decisions. However the question on the causes of rape cases, molestation and sexual harassments will certainly remain an aspect of worry.
So this is how I conclude it :

For the further decade, the choice is ours, either we continue to be the people who are happy living in their old shells, or infact we learn from our mistakes in the past to fill all the gaps to build bridges for India instead of just the walls!

We have certainly made a dynamic progress in many sectors but he question is how can all these development lead us to become a superpower of the world?

The efforts should be made by all the segments of the society –the politicians, the engineers, the students, the teachers, the scholars, rural people, everyone has to change for changing India. Minimise corruption, bribery, illegal acts, unemployment, cyber crimes, and we’ll have “India of our Dreams” by 2020. For this dream to be fulfilled, we have to “arise, awake and stop not until the goal is reached”, because the past cannot be changed, but the future is still in our hands.

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.”
----Abhishek Bangrania

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