Monday, February 16, 2009

I too Crush?

I just completed 17 episodes of HIMYM (How I Met Your Mother!) Season 1, and I tell you it was legen. . .wait for it. . .

I have been loving this series for two yet-so-weird reasons – “Graciously beautiful” Cobie’s smile and “Womanizer”  Barney’s attire (That rhymes! Aint it?). Even amidst the deadly T-S I couldnt avoid it. Result: Another horrific result expected. However the subjects which I love the most didnt face the repercussions of this insatiable love of mine. I “probably” wrote the best answers in Behavioral Sciences, and “probably”drew the correct figures in Engineering Graphics.

Flashback !

Sem 1 Day 1: Saw a girl, which I couldnt believe was going to be one of yet another bunch of great Engineers (including me :P) to be admitted in the R-Land (as they call it). They usually say that this world is devoid of the species which you are used to in your native land . My native land being Dehradun, so I was unable to comprehend this obviousness of watching a damsel in this dreary world. However they say, “If you really try to achieve something, the whole world conspires in your favour”. So did the  JEE Committee by sending me? Or rather “her” to the same place! I tell you I was completely lost, enraptured and mesmerized. That girl was just awesome! Awesomeness can‘t be solely personified to describe her. My eyes were continually following her. Darn! It seemed like i had detected an oasis in the middle of a dreary desert. The beauty showering from her face seemed to be ineffable.  “Abhishek Bangrania, BTech Metallurgical & Materials Engineering”. . . .”Abhishek Bangraniaaaaaa.....”, . . . . “Are you here?”. . .I was still appreciating her beauty unaware of the whole world, when suddenly my father nudged me from behind saying, “Go Son! Go! What have you been waiting here for so long?” Startled and dazzled, I moved to the counter where our registration was being done thinking whether my father noticed me admiring that beauty  or not.  On reaching the counter, I confronted a Bald Man(BM) sitting beside another Bald Man(BM2).

Me: “Sir! I am Abhishek Bangrania,  BTech Metallurgical &Materials Engineering.“

BM: “So what?”

Me(Stammering): “Sir! You called my name. . . .f for that re. . registration thing.”

BM(after looking into a sheet kept on the table):”Yes! I did and that too three times. Where were you?”

Me: “Sorry Sir! I am really very sorry.”

Then followed my first ever advices in the IIT life.

BM(sarcastically):  ”Do you know? Being late is a crime here in IIT!”

BM2 (supporting BM1):  “Boy! This is not the Registration going in your School. You ought to be punctual here. By the way what were you upto? We called your name three times, and still you didnt reply?”

Me:  ”Sir! I was admiring the beauty of that girl in White. Hope you also do the same. Will you?”, was what came to my mind initially. Howeverer i just said, “S. S. . . Sorry  Sir!”

BM: “Yes you should be! However as of now  we have skipped your name . Now we’ll call your name after everyone’s turn gets over, more precisely at the last.”

Me : “Thank you sir!”

Thus I came back from that embarassing  situation, and narrated everything to my father. He too started giving advices that i should be vigilant in such important times.

Dad(angrily):”I have always told you that you should be active in such important times.”

Me: “I know dad.”

Dad : “Then what were you doing outside this hall when you knew that your name was about to be called??”

Me(stammering): “Me....nothing. . ..what could i have been doing? Just admiring the beauty of  an all new awesome place.”

Dad: “You got time for this crap right now,  when they have already announced it so many times that all Metallurgical students should be present inside the Hall. Regarding admiring the beauty of this place, you have 4 long years for that.”

Me: “Sorry dad!. . .but nothing can be done now. Aint it? However I wouldn’t commit such silly mistakes from now on.”

 There I sat again on  that about-to-break chair with my eyes searching for that beauty again, but in vain. Darn! She was gone. So were my hopes. “Will I ever see her again?” “I couldnt even find out her name”. I felt so hopeless, but ‘Ah! Life’s like this.’

Sem 2 Day 46: Yes! I did find out that girl. I like this girl. Her name, department and everything on this Earth. I like this girl. This girl always makes me to smile and feel so pleasant whenever she is around me (somewhere). I like this girl. A goofy grin on my face proves the same. I like this girl. A big crush? Is it? I like this girl. Whatever it may be hardly matters because if this is a crush, then I dont know if I could take the real thing if it happens. I like this girl. Crushes are meant to be like this only. I like this girl. Everyone has one or more?  I like this girl. Mine first in College (and probably the last). I like this girl. However , “Why do they call it a crush?”. I like this girl. This question always confuses me. I like this girl.

P.S.  Barney! Your style is just too good. Cobie! Your smile is just too good. #$^&#%$! I got a crush on you. Though, I like you all.

P.P.S. I hate those two bald men, who eventually turned out to be my Physics lecturers. Another brick in the wall. Err! Another nail in the coffin.

P.P.P.S. I like you! But why do they call it a Crush? Probably because that’s how you feel when the same way in return. Ah! Life’s like this. Aint it?

. . . . . .dary.


Unknown said...

hey this one's awsome.
wish i cud guess d name of d
girl...nywys good luck!!

Abhishek Bangrania said...

thnks a ton :)
ya even i wish u cud guess the name of the girl :P

Unknown said...

Awesome blog man !!!!

She's gotta read this ....

Unknown said...

Dude! This one is perfect...every line did convey something..."girl?" "damsel?"- who's dis? I guess i know.
Move forth and do write some nice story book cz its high time now :P Whatsay?

Abhishek Bangrania said...

She did read dat. .

She's a Girl! Writing a book isnt my cup of tea :P

Anu...:) said...

good work!:)